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Sunday River ME January 28 - February 2

If you are not a paid-up current member at the time you file a SCSC TRIP application the TRIP application will be held for a minimum of 30 days before processing. SCSC TRIP application processing will begin only after the SCSC membership application and payment have been received. Membership must remain current throughout the ski season travel period.

Total Amount due if paying in full $[((1348 * field4) -field13)]

NOTICE: When you submit below and/or accepted any membership benefit and/or participating in any club activity, the applicant releases Stark County Ski Club, its officers, board members, chairpersons, trip leaders, and members from any all liability or any claims including theft, property loss, accident, illness, injury, death of or to themselves, family members or guests arising from participation in any club activity, whether resulting from negligence or otherwise.

Follow Link Below to read SCSC Trip Agreement

Trip Agreement Doc

Read Liability

Follow Link Below to read SCSC Code of Conduct

SCSC Code of Conduct

Read code of conduct

Make Checks Payable to Stark County Ski Club

(Payment needs to be received within 10 days of application)

Please mail Payment and copy of drivers license to 

John Masalko
3925 Dueber Ave SW
Canton, Ohio 44706

$ [ (field15) * 1.029 +1 ]
Stripe Card Placeholder
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